Thursday 15 November 2012

Durga puja

(A little late posting this, as Durga puja was October 20.)

Mother Durga comes down out of her Himalayan home for an annual visit.  West Bengal celebrates her return by building elaborate pandals to house statues of Durga and her four children.  Made with bamboo and cloth, these very intricate pandals are erected for about a total of two weeks in every local community, and people spend each evening pandal-hopping with family and friends all over the city.  Similar to Christmas trees and decorations, it’s pretty amazing how much work, thought, and planning goes into creating these temporary structures.  Some are very traditional; others have a modern flair.  No matter the style, every Durga idol is submerged in sacred waters to return to her husband Shiva at the end of puja.  The festive spirit is in the air, along with constant music, drumming, and firecrackers.  Durga puja marks the start of about a month of puja celebrations!

Simple pandal
Elaborate pandal

Traditional Durga idols

Modern Durga idols
Remnants of idols floating in the sacred lake